True Seeds Premium Australian Black Chia












TRUE SEEDS from BuildHl ( Healthy Lifestyle ).

True Seeds Australian Chia are grown and packed by Australian farmers  in Queensland Australia for BuildHL Pte Ltd Singapore. It conforms to the highest hygenic requirement from the Australian food authority, Singapore Food Authority and the farmers themselves who had taken a declaration that all True Seed products come from the best Chia grown and packed in Australia. True Seeds are Insecticide and Chemical free packed with the benefits of Omega 3, 6 and 9. Australian Chia seeds are regarded as the best Chia seeds and command premium prices due to the strict control in their production as compared to Chias from other  parts of the world.



Children learn eating habits from us adults. Include True Seeds Australian Black Chia in their daily diet as it will provide multiple health benefits for them. To ensure quality, we regularly tested the composition of our Chias in Australia at Australian Wool Testing Authority (ABN 43 006 014 106). When it comes to our children, nothing is too good for them.

Stark test comparison between our competitor and True Seeds Black Australian Chia.


The left picture is our competitor's  Chia and the right picture is True Seeds Black Australian Chia. As you can see in the picture True Seeds ( right picture ) Australian Chia is darker, darker shiny Chia comes from a more mature seeds which had enough water and sunlight to develop that rich nutrients such as the Omega 3, 6 and 9
while the brown Chias look dull because they were harvested before they ripen for profit expediency. The full goodness of Chia seed is realised when  they are fully ripen, attaining the oval-shaped, dark, plump and shiny appearance. Like the best wines in the world everything takes time to age and mature that will bring out the full essence of the product.


Left glass: Competitor Chia   Right glass: True Seeds Australian Black Chia.

We made a comparison where both products are from Australia but as shown in a test above our True Seeds Australian Black Chia "FLOAT" because of it's higher absorbance properties, are darker, oval-shaped, plum and shiny. The higher nutrient quality of True Seeds is obvious.



Debloating beverage: If you've been feeling sluggish and bloated, it's time for a new morning ritual that includes chia. Celebrity trainer Valerie Waters starts the day with this before-breakfast, pre-workout drink . Drinking Chias help to give us that extra nutrient power needed before any workout.


The ancient Aztecs and Mayans prized chia seeds for their medicinal properties. And after flying under the radar for a few centuries, they’ve become one of the most popular health trends in recent years and are adored by models, Hollywood elite and top chefs alike.






Benefits of True Seeds Chia 

The Cleveland Clinic in the US published a report that shows True Seeds Chia indeed lower blood pressure, lower diabetics, lower Cholesterol and Triglycerides.

IMG_4028The high omega-3 fatty acids in True Seeds Chia reduce inflammation in the body, and help reduce the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Good substitute for vegetarians and those who prefer alternatives from Salmon and fish.Image-1

True Seeds chia contain alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which are beneficial to arthritis sufferers.

A source of fiber True Seeds chia are particularly rich in insoluble fiber ,just the kind you want if you’re constipated or suffering from constipation-induced hemorrhoids.
Insoluble fiber helps keep our digestive system healthy and our bowel movements regular by adding bulk thus reducing your waist size.
Fiber can help you feel fuller for longer, keep you regular and may even prevent bowel cancer.
High in protein, True Seeds Chia are about 14% protein by weight, which is great if you don’t eat meat and struggle to include enough protein in your diet.


Pack with high fiber

True Seeds Black Australian Chia went through tests at Australian Wool Testing Authority (ABN 43 006 014 106 ) at 260 Princess Highway Werribee Victoria, Australia.

The results show True Seeds has a protein of 3.3 gr and high fiber of 6 gr per serving. True Seeds by BuildHL Pte Ltd of Singapore is here to bring Australian chia to the world. True Seeds chia are grown and packaged by Australian farmers for BuildHL Singapore. True Seeds are sustainably grown, NON-GMO ( NO organisms and NO genetic material has been found to be artificially manipulated) and guaranteed 100% Chemical| Insecticide free.